

The Maitlands

“One of the best bands I’ve ever been in” -Carl L. Ingram “Crunchy northern guitar music is in good hands” – Colourhorizon “like Hawkwind playing at being indie-punks” – Local Sound Focus “Too few bands engage and joke with their audience these days because it’s not seen as cool, but The Maitlands have been around the block enough not to care about such matters” – Even the Stars

A”Ste on guitar plays fast and hard, buzz-bombing Clash-like. Frontman Carl has the charm and wit of ‘Half Man Half Biscuit’. Jonty on drums impressed last time I saw them, but he was a demon here. Logically, a punk band with a rock hero drummer and a laid back 6 foot 6 quipster on vocals shouldn’t work. The fact that they sound tight and unified is as impressive as it is puzzling. But then, when did a Manchester band ever let logic get in the way of a good time?”- ColourHorizon

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